Course Reflection

How does learning through technology affect a child’s learning outcome? This is the question I’ve been thinking about during these two weeks.

Technology provides our world with easy information in an instant. This helps everyone stay more in touch with what goes on in countries half way across the world as well as helping students with research for homework and projects. However, it can also be a distraction from our work and inhibit our children’s learning. The major question educators are asking is “how do we keep technology from ending the genius of our world and instead help the genius grow?” Schools need to consider how to connect with the new generation of students and their families, how to make us think about the future, and learning from sources other than only technology when deciding wether to implement technology into their curriculum. The way our generation uses the technology they have in their hands today will determine the future of all generations after them. Technology will no doubt be used by educators in the near future for all students. It is up to our teachers and parents to educate us on how to use this technology given to us. They will determine if we keep using technology the way we do now, or use it for the betterment of our future.

I like Powtoon best in all these tools. With PowToon, anyone – even if you don’t know a pixel from a proxy server – can create engaging, animated videos with a professional look and feel. Not only is PowToon already great “as is” but it’s also getting better and better every day! It’s being consonantly developed and upgraded without any price increase, so it’s really as good as it gets! One of the best software, definitely! My second favourite tool is Padlet. It’s simple and powerful, and its operations are simple and arbitrary, without borders, which can be dragged into any format of the file and easily entered into the text. When I am a true teacher in the future, I will make those students who dare not ask questions anonymously or those who haven’t thought of their own problems to see other students’ questions on the wall, so as to promote everyone’s thinking. In addition, ClassDojo is my third favourite one. As far as I’m concerned, ClassDojo‘s services are expected to accurately record students’ performance in the classroom, and to score, to evaluate, to encourage students to progress, and to make the messy class orderly, which really helps teachers.

I may not use Final Cut any more because when it exports files, it takes too much space in the computer and it wastes a long time to transcode. I don’t like Testmoz, either. Since Testmoz requires the creator must set the correct answer for the questions, but you know not every question has an accurate answer for it. And I may not use Rubric anymore because its web page is too gaudy to use in the daily life.

As it’s saying Two Heads Are Better Then One, what if there were more than two, I prefer working with my friends, or others in a group to achieve our goals easier. As I mentioned being in a group required to do a Group Plan and set our common goal. At the first day of this class, we set up our group and decide to be number one group in this class. The content we used for our project was responsible information from a reliable source and I believe that our group did our best to present in a responsible way. While presenting, we made sure to orally cite our sources and kept the information we presented short and to the point. Someone in the audience listening to our presentation would probably pay attention the information simply because sounding credible was a point of emphasis for us.

We faced two main problems, this class requires quite a lot creativity and different ideas, and some of the members in our group are too quiet and they don’t like to share their ideas with other members in the group. To solve and avoid this particular problem happened in our group, our group leader, become a coordinator, join members ideas and suggestion together and coordinate the activities. Other problem that we faced was, because two of our group members are too clse to each other, the other members find it difficult to deal with them or even to get knowing them more, because they were always together and prefer to speak to each other. So the group faced a problem with cohesiveness, as it argued is a good dynamic to develop a group. Cohesiveness is generally used to refer to the degree to which members desire to stay in the group and express agreement with the group goals. But there was also some disadvantages of cohesiveness that related to the problems that we faced. I think too much similarity of the behaviour of group members leading to increased cohesiveness, can actually be detrimental to performance. Group member will attempt to discover which behaviour are acceptable and unacceptable. This is a period of getting to know each other, deciding on goals to pursue, and getting organised.

Well, sometimes it is hard to recognize my own strong points and to acknowledge my own weak points. Most of the time it is easy to realize other people’s shortcomings.
I think my strong points are self-reliance, firmness of purpose, and being result-oriented. If I see the goal I can approach my aim step by step. Therefore, I can also motivate myself and other people. And as for weak points, I think that sometimes I’m quite impulsive and don’t want to endure some people. For example, if one of my group members shouts at me, I am angry and then quit this work. It sounds normal to quit a work where your friend is shouting at you, but there is a problem to make friend with her again. Most of time, I focus more on turning ideas and plans into practical actions. Therefore I always lack of flexibility and creativity, and sometimes I act more like followers in the group. Due to my pitfalls, I put forward the following three personal learning goals: 1. Be more pro-active during working process; 2. Be more open to the new ideas; 3. Be more flexible to changing plans; 4. Stop worrying too much.

Learning to work as a team is another goal I have set up for myself. I have been a team of one for so many years that this will be hard for me. Teamwork is important; learning to value the opinions of others and not to get upset over criticisms that others may have is another goal at which to look at and achieve. People work differently than I do; I have to learn patience in that respect. I have to learn to understand that where I am a doer and not laid back at all, someone else may not be that way. I have to learn to accept that. Again, patience falls back into that original goal category. Another goal I have set for myself is completing my assignments in a timely manner. I do not see any problem with completing the assignments in a timely manner in the interim, but the thought of failure petrifies me. I have been in classes where I have fallen behind, and believe me, it is not a pleasant feeling. One of the biggest and most important goal I want to achieve is graduating and getting the much-desired baccalaureate degree.

Frankly, I really learnt a lot in these two weeks. Thank you for Dr. Wang! Looking forward to seeing you again!

Day Seven

Online Questionnaire, Worksheet, and Quizzes

Rubricis a tool for evaluating authenticity. It is a set of standards for evaluating or rating students’ works, achievements, growth records, bags, or performances. At the same time, it is also an effective teaching tool and an important bridge between teaching and evaluation.

Here is My Rubric.

Testmoz is a test generator that sports 4 question types, automatic grading, a really simple interface and detailed reports.

Here is My TestMoz.

Wenjuanxing is a professional online survey, an evaluation,and a voting platform, focused on providing users with a powerful, user-friendly online questionnaire, data collection, analysis of the survey results, custom report series service.

Here is my quiz on Wenjuanxing.

As far as I’m concerned, polleverywhere is the best one to make a new questionnaire, but its problem is that the results collecting of it is quite hard to understand and it’s not easy to share with my other group members. Wenjuanxing’s system language is Chinese, so I think it is easy to use actually. But I think the main problem it has is that the editing page is not quite easy to handle. Testmoz is the one that I don’t really like because it must set the correct answer for the question, but you know not every question has an accurate answer for it.

The Wenjuanxing’s online examination system is a powerful and easy to operate online examination and publishing platform. Contains all the known examination questions including: multiple choice, multiple choice, fill in the blanks and a number of single questions and other questions. I only need to prepare the document of the test paper, copy and paste hundreds of questions, and then I can finish it quickly. When I want to make a test paper, I only need to choose the test paper randomly from the question bank. In addition, I can set the longest answer time of the test paper and simulate the real test. After examinees answer the questions in the paper, the system carries out automatic marking according to the answers entered in advance. After the examinee submits the examination paper, examinee may examine his own score.

I will let all my students sign up an account in Wenjuanxing at the beginning of the semester. If students do not want to be examed in class, they may do the exam paper at home afer class. And after they answer the questions in the paper, I may call their parents to check their child’s score online through Wenjuanxing.

The ISTE Stanards tell every educator to seek out opportunities for modern technological learning to support student empowerment and success and to improve teaching and learning. I think online quizzes are a really great way to improve students’ interest in learning. Online quizzes make students review their tests wherever and whenever, if students do not do well in this exam, they don’t need to be ashame because all their test paper are private.

Day Six

Video Editing

Digital Storytelling is the practice of combining narrative with digital content, including images, sound, and video, to create a short movie, typically with a strong emotional content. Since time began, stories have been used as a means of educating people and over time, there have been many innovative ways, such as comics and cartoons, created to engage and inspire people to read and to learn. The use of technology has become very predominant in the teaching of literacy skills. The use of computer technology in teaching literacy is now common practice. In order to prepare students to be literate in a changing world, the definition of literacy is changing. Although not universally agreed upon, it has been widely accepted that there is benefit to using technology as a tool to support teaching literacy in the classroom. Not only does this technology support traditional skills in literacy but it has also created an evolving definition of literacy. Learners must become competent in the ‘new literacies’ as discussed previously as well as in the traditional forms. One of the problems that remain unanswered is to determine how to best use digital technology to support literacy. As far as I’m concerned, the past trend has been to teach digital literacy in a digital media class; separately from literacy as it has been taught in an English language arts class. It is now much more common place to see digital media and literacy skills taught alongside or inclusively in the language arts classroom.

I still use Final Cut to edit my video today. Final Cut is quite a well-done and fabulous software to handle and use. When I need to add a cover in my video, I can hardly find a proper cover. After the explanation of teacher, a clear cover has already in my mind.

In my opinion, videos are really a good method of teaching. There has been significant effort made into proving and understanding a correlation between the use of digital technology and an increase in student motivation and engagement in the language arts classroom. Educators are recognizing that if students are engaged in the classroom this increased engagement can have a direct impact on their effort and self-efficacy towards mastering literacy skills.

The ISTE Standards demonstrate knowledge of digital devices, systems, and networks. In addition, it also demonstrate an understanding of the role computer science plays and impact in the modern world. Teaching with audios and videos is such kind of modern method in the modern world. Educators need to take notice of new learning and communications paradigms being adopted by today’s learners, how they are modifying traditional notions about literacy, and whether they are directly affecting how basic reading and writing skills are acquired.

My view on digital storytelling

Our group’s view on digital storytelling

Day Five

Audio Editing & Video Creation

e5b18fe5b995e5bfabe785a7-2017-09-11-e4b88be58d885-38-27.pngI use Final Cut to edit my audio and create my video for our piano lesson. Final Cut is a professional video nonlinear editing software developed by Apple Corp. The latest version of Final Cut Pro X contains all the features needed for post production. Import and organize media, edit, add effects, improve sound effects, color grading, and delivery – all operations can be done in the application. Final Cut is a high performance and full-featured application software that provides excellent scalability, precise editing tools and seamless workflow. Now, Final Cut, in addition to getting HD-SDI through the PCI card, also supports the acquisition of the DVCPRO HD format and output through the FireWire interface, and it can edit most of the input formats.

Although this is not my first time to use Final Cut to edit videos, quite a lot problems still come me. At the beginning of this video-making, I can hardly decide which to do first. When the group leader told me what I need to talk about in the video, I began to seach information online. But questions come one after another, because our topic is piano, but we haven’t a real piano in the computer classroom. So that, I need to use piano software to solve my problem.

I choose Final Cut because I used to use it to edit my own videos on my sina blog. It’s a really well-done software and easy to handle and use. Final Cut is not that kind of fool software in the video market, it is the software that many professional users will use in the work or even in daily life. I use another software to transform my video from mov to mp4.

I will try to listen to audio clips of radio broadcasts, podcasts, online conferences and other educational video messages. And I will model the interactive process of listening in the classroom with students, and ask them to repeat the exercise on their own. First, all students sit and listen to what they want the contents of the audio segment to learn, consider the preparation. Once I have written or share ideas, and then play the audio segment , allowing students to take notes if it helps. I will encourage students to determine what he believes the contents of this segment. Then watch the video segment, allowing students to take notes, useful skills match. Upon completion of the video, the students write a brief summary of the segments, or you can save time, taking into groups to discuss how it compares with the segment of the expectations of students.

This is my audio file about the lesson of piano teaching.

This is my video about the lesson of piano teaching.


Day Four

Website Design

Web pages constitute the basic elements of a website and are a platform for web applications. Generally speaking, your website is made up of web pages. If you only have domain names and virtual hosts without making any web pages, your customers still can’t access your website. Document page is a text entity associated with a software system and its software engineering process. In the process of using the website, document page has the functions of instruction, help and dispel doubts, but web page doesn’t have such functions.

Website is a collection of web pages for displaying specific content on the Internet, using tools such as HTML, according to certain rules. In short, the website is a communication tool, people can publish their own public information through the website, or use the website to provide related network services. People can access websites through web browsers, access to the information they need, or enjoy web services. In addition, you need to have logical thinking order, and the websites have a size relationship, that’s why you need to plan your site with a storyboard before you make a new website.

When I first set up a new website, I can hardly add several new web pages to one website. After the teacher’s explanation, I sudddenly find out that I can add new web pages into the menu, and then make the menu appear on the home page.

I know about the knowledge of Computer Science content and model important principles and concepts in The ISTE Standards. Before today’s lesson, I can hardly tell the difference between web pages and websites. Through the teacher’s lesson, one of  The ISTE Standards comes to my mind. The ISTE Standards make me know deeper about the true meaning of some basic elements.

Group Website



Day Three

My experience with class management software: ClassDojo

classdjClassDojo is to build a communication platform for teachers and parents of students, to help parents understand every aspect of the students’ learning, activities, social and growth performance in school whenever and whereve. Parents don’t have to wait until the end of term to go to school to communicate with the teachers. Not only that, ClassDojo can also guide parents at home to give their children proper guidance to reinforce what they learn at school. On ClassDojo, teachers can send instant messages directly to their parents and send their students’ schedules of study and activities to parents, usually once a day. If there is any important news that needs to be communicated to all the parents of the class, the teacher can also send a broadcast message to every parent in the class at ClassDojo. In addition, teachers can also use the ClassDojo to shoot for students when they are participating in activities. Therefore, teachers can perform photos and videos on ClassDojo, and they will be sent to the parents.

First of all, I sign up an account as a teacher to add in our university. Then I add myself into the class ED 326 and find my six group members. Therefore, some add points items and minus points items are built to reflect students’ performance in school. After all this, I screenshot my group members to record their first score. As far as I’m concerned, ClassDojo‘s services are expected to accurately record students’ performance in the classroom, and to score, to evaluate, to encourage students to progress, and to make the messy class orderly.

I would like to appeal all my students to sign up in this website at the beginning of the term and let all the parents know about this communication platform. I will assign virtual characters to every students and then add points and minus points to the students’ daily performance on notebooks, tablets and smartphones. If students do well one day, they will get a “smile”, that is, plus 1 points, and if students make mistakes one day, they will get a “hit”, that is, minus 1 points. ClassDojo will help me to track students’ performance from days to semesters, while I can provide final results to their parents.
The ISTE Standards for students are designed to empower student voice and ensure that learning is a student-driven process. In my opinion, what ClassDojo does is to stimulate students’ ambition, that’s the one fits the ISTE Standards. When a student makes a mistake, a large red “-1” sign will appear next to his name. ClassDojo system can display the honor list through the projector in a public area, every student can see themselves with other students’ scores, the teacher can also put their  smart mobile phone as a remote control in the classroom while the random walk side to grade students. Finally, teachers can track students’ scores by day, week, month and semester, and then submit the scores to their parents. By introducing the game mechanism, the behavior of the students by using digital quantification and rating, arouse students’ self-esteem and ambition, ClassDojo helps the teacher to manage the class. In the end, no student would like to be at the bottom of the rankings.


Integrating electronic white board in classroom teaching

padletPadlet is an online collaboration tool that allows you to quickly make a story wall of your own simply by drag and drop”. The tool contains rich templates, supports multiplayer collaboration. It supports multiple forms of presentation, and it is ideal for interactive gadgets for teaching. Padlet gives us a white wall, and we can put anything at the wall. It’s simple and powerful. Its operations are simple and arbitrary, without borders, which can be dragged into any format of the file and easily entered into the text.

The page form of organization is based on wall, which is the basic structure. Each wall is a separate page, double-click or directly drag a photo can create a unit on the wall. I can add the title text, attach a URL to another a web page information stored here. I can also upload files from the local to the unit, or with a web camera to take a picture. These units can be placed on the wall according to your meaning and can be resized.

I want to use Padlet to get students to brainstorm about a problem, a topic, or even a project. Students can see other students’ ideas on the Padlet wall, or they can add their own ideas. After the brainstorming, I may further analyze and explain the contents of the wall. In addition, I will make those students who dare not ask questions anonymously or those who haven’t thought of their own problems to see other students’ questions on the wall, so as to promote everyone’s thinking.

The ISTE Standards encourage students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals. Padlet is exactly that kind of platform. One group members can share a Padlet account, and everyone can log on and edit content in the specified  wall. Around a learning theme, the collection of resources will be uploaded to the Padlet wall. Group members can share resources, broaden their horizons, and make divergent thinking.

Made with Padlet

Day Two

My understanding on the flipped classroom

A flipped classroom turn upside down is a personalized and interaction time of the whole class. Teachers and students should be engaged along the process. Modifications are always a way of improving and making it a better learning environment for all.
My professor usually uses this kind of model, because it provides a collaborative, student-centered classroom with a more learning-based environment that is moving away from the use of a teacher-centered classroom.

A flipped classroom offers a unique way of engaging students in collaborative work and projects, as well as personalizing and individualizing instruction for students. Teachers typically post short online videos or podcasts for students, allowing for more class time to be devoted towards explaining in depth and mastering the material through cooperative learning exercises, projects and discussions.

If I am going to teach in the classroom, I will certainly use this kind of model.I think one of the primary purposes of the flipped classroom model in teaching students is that they will have more control over their learning. Additionally, when students have more control over what they learn, it allows them to reflect and set future goals. As improvements are made from the flipped classroom, students can be aware of what they are learning as well as their progress towards meeting standards. This is a reinforcement of making sure students know what they are learning on their own time. Through making student-centered goals, learners will have the ability to create a personal connection to their learning with repetition and focusing on the different styles of learning such as auditory and visual.


Working experiences on creating a lesson plan with the flipped classroom teaching mode

It’s my first time to make a lesson plan, so it does have a lot of difficulties during the period of making this plan. First of all, we need to call all the group members to gather together to think up ideas. Then we have to translate our opinions into English and make it reasonable. At last, we may  change our lesson plan according to the teacher’s advice.

This is my first time to make lesson plan since I studied this major. It makes me feel the pleasure and responsibility of becoming a teacher in the true sense. In addition, making this project makes me feel that teachers bear the heavy responsibility of molding the minds of our nation’s most precious resource.

As far as I’m concerned, the process making this project makes me become familiar with the future work, because as a coming preschool teacher, writing lesson projects maybe the most common work during my career. In the meantime, how to cooperate with others diplomatically is the most worthy thing that I learnt from this project. I think the reason why teacher encourages us to cooperate with others in groups may be wanting us to get more opportunities and improve our communication skills.

This is our group’s Lesson Plan.


My experiences on working on the survey

It is difficult for us to put forward corresponding problems for our lesson plan, and then we should ask the children questions after we consider and totally understand their own standards and learning level. Choosing reasonable questions is also a challenging for us, because too many questions we want to know about and then we can consummate our project.

The PollEverywhere is quite easy to handle and make survey. We have designed ten questions for suitable children to answer, and there are five kinds of questions in total in our group survey. From signing up a new account to finally finishing a survey, every part is really concise and clear to me.

I will continue using PollEverywhere, not just in this course, in the next three years of study life, and even in my future career, I will use PollEverywhere to help me do some research to make my study deeper. PollEverywhere will make me master more information to expand my study research.

This is our group’s Survey.

About Wynne and ED326

I am a crazy cosmetics lover, dog lover, amateur photographer. By virtue of my enthusiasm for fancy pictures and moving articles, I spent five months to beauty my own Sina blog. Live up to my efforts, more than 22000 fans have followed me for more than two years. Now I am willing to learn more in depth in the field of my major, so I will do more research in early childhood education.

From today’s lesson, I think of Nelson Mandela, the well-know statesmen, once said, “Education is the great engine to personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the son of a mineworker can become the head of the mine that the child of a farm worker can become the president of a great nation.”  Image that when you have children will you give your children education in their childhood or not. Early childhood education is the key to success in one’s life. Nowadays more and more people pay a lot attention on children education. Technological early childhood education can produce significant giants in children’s learning and development. Children can learn academic skills in their early age which can make children have better understanding of their study; easier accept multicultural education. During my part-time job in the early childhood education institution, I also find that children who are familiar with technology can gain better development in their intelligence and learning ability in their early age, by doing the technological activities, games and kids crafts. These benefits also can help children get better expanding in their study and brain development, for example, the meaningful advantage on reading and math skills which would have influence on their adulthood.

As has been said, early childhood education with high technology has long-term benefits to children. Children can get advantage from it in their ability of learning; gain better social-emotional learning; keep happier mood through all these technological teaching method. So every children should take advantage of technological early childhood education, which can influence them long-term time.

My view on digital storytelling

Our group’s view on digital storytelling